List of Important HTML Tags

TagsDescription • Meaning • Definition
<a>ANCHOR tag creates <a href="">link</a> to other internet location, or file.
<abbr>ABBREVIATION tags indicate interpretation of the meaning to the browsers and search engines for such as kind of abbreviations as "Inc.", "etc.".
<acronym>ACRONYM tags defines an acronym, like; <acronym title="World Wide Web">WWW</acronym>.
<address>ADDRESS tags are used to identify the author's contact information for a section or a document.
<applet>APPLET element tags are used to embed and invoke a Java application within an HTML page.
<area>AREA tag defines a section of an image.
<b>BOLD tag is specifying <b>bold section</b> within the text document.
<base>BASE tag defines information regarding to the links on the page.
<basefont>BASEFONT tags defines changes of all text appearance on the web page.
<bdo>BDO tag is specifying the direction of text display by overwriting the default value from Left to Right. <bdo dir="rtl">Right to Left</bdo>
<bgsound>BGSOUND tag is defining a background sound for a webpage.

    <bgsound src="JingleBells.wav" loop="3">

Demo • Example
<big>BIG tag makes the <big>text larger</big> then the rest of the text.
<blockquote>BLOCKQUOTE tags
<blockquote>separate a section</blockquote>
of text from the surrounding text.
<blink>BLINK tags defines text to <blink>blink</blink> repeatedly. Internet Explorer doesn't support this tag yet.
      Body tags identify the content of a web page.
<br>Line Break tag is specifying<br>
a new line
<button>BUTTON tag is used to create a <button type="button">Push Button</button>  
  <caption>CAPTION tag adds a caption to a table.</caption>
<center>CENTER tags center text, images, etc.</center>
<cite><cite>CITE tags defines a citation and displaying in italics.</cite>
<code>CODE tags are used for example, to indicate a code of the current <code>htmltags.html</code> page.
<col>COL tags are used to define column properties for table columns.

  <colgroup span="2">
    <col width="60" align="left"></col>
    <col width="80" align="center"></col>
    <td>1st Column</td>
    <td>2nd Column</td>
<colgroup>COLGROUP tags are used to define groups of table columns.

  <colgroup span="2">
    <col width="60" align="left"></col>
    <col width="80" align="center"></col>
    <td>1st Column</td>
    <td>2nd Column</td>
<dd>DD tag defines a definition description.

    <dd>National Aeronautics and Space Administration</dd>
    <dd>Master of Business Administration</dd>
<dfn>DFN tags emphasize definition, for example; <dfn>PC</dfn>: Personal Computer.
<del>DEL tag indicates <del>deleted text</del>
<dir>DIR tags define directory lists.

<dl>DL tag defines a definition list.

    <dd>California State University</dd>
    <dd>United Nations</dd>
<div>DIV tag is a logical section of a web document.

  <h1>Home Pets</h1>
<dt>DT tags defines a definition term.

    <dd>HyperText Markup Language</dd>
    <dd>Cascading Style Sheets</dd>

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Adeel Rasheed

Full Stack Website Developer

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